Originally Posted by dsd
Originally Posted by I_Sell_Dem_Tomatoes
Definitely reading this later when I have time because I could never stand Frank Sheeran and his lies.

Why the hell did Scorsese have to ruin one of his limited mob movies by choosing to base it around a likely bullshit figure?
With all the interesting figures in organized crime, Scorsese chose fucking Sheeran?

The best hypothesis of the movie ending I've seen:
The entire movie was imagined/told by an aging, dementia riddled, nursing home living fart
Therefore most of the events told are bullshit from Sheeran's imagination


The only bit of this movie I've seen is a YouTube clip of Deniros hilarious stomping of the shop guy.
It's so bad. https://youtu.be/h1KU1gp5Buo

Have never been able to get passed this scene. Ruined what was actually a pretty good movie, at least for me.