Originally Posted by Giacalone
They definitely don't need it. A lot of these guys today are doing really well when they get proposed. That life has really turned into something unrecognizable because they are straightening out guys who aren't street guys. They're basically spoiled businessmen who just love The Godfather a little too much. The life is over

You have provided an excellent, and often times, very accurate, depiction of the current "state of affairs" in Cosa Nostra today. Many of these "current" guys couldn't shine the shoes of the old-timers. Not all of them, but many of the guys today, are NOT street guys. In fact, back in the day they'd be considered "suckers" to be fleeced. But "The Life" has changed so much and is in such a weakened state, they hand these guys "buttons" so the hierarchy (and real hoodlums) can stick their hands in the pockets of these idiots. It's basically become a modern day "shakedown" to grab money from the legitimate businesses of these "so-called" made guys. But these empty suits are not sharp enough to understand that. They're too enamored with "The Godfather" image as you so astutely pointed out in your earlier post.

Bravo Giacalone. That was epic! Lol