Originally Posted by Toodoped
Same thoughts here.

From Chicago's point of view, they mainly respected Costello because of the gambling rackets but if Ricca was an alleged Camorrista and if Vito allegedly visited Camorra leaders in prison, then we can say that Vito was possibly also respected by the Outfit's top boss. Tommy Eboli once said said to Ricca that he referred to him the same way as he referred to Vito, meaning Eboli saw Ricca on the same level as Vito. On top of that after Vito's reign, nobody knew on who was the real boss of the Genovese family, meaning they probably took Chicago's type of structure or hierarchy. I mean, during the 40, 50, and 60's everybody though that Accardo and Giancana were the prime bosses but some information from both made and non-Ital guys says otherwise, meaning Ricca was always the Outfit's top boss or the guy with the last word (or in Outfit slang "The Man").

Supposedly Lansky named his son, Paul, after Ricca too

I tried googling Tommy Eboli talking about Ricca, but no luck
Do you happen to have a link on it, or what year did he say it?

Tommy's son, Louis "The Mooch" Eboli, was with Chicago too

I think Chicago and "Genovese Family" being completely intertwined at the top isn't farfetched at all