Originally Posted by CabriniGreen
I went into this " across the street" in a thread about Org and Ops. Or as Anna Sergi phrases it, structure vs activity. Here comes a rant...lol

To me, there are a couple major differences. 1st, is the overarching purpose. A street gangs purpose is rooted usually in eliminating immediate hardships, poverty, lack of self esteem, and maybe fear. Beyond immediate financial relief, personal protection, and some facsimile of identity, a street gang members overall purpose doesn't really extend beyond that.
You ever seen the movie Momento? Where the guy forgets who he is every 5 minutes? Thats street gangs. No institutional memory. The subsequent generations never build on what the previous ones did. They start from scratch every time there any turnover.

The Mafias overall purpose is gaining and maintaining Power in a given territory. Economic, military and political, SOCIAL....Judicial. Power. Im my opinion, It takes a tri-level interaction between social classes, ( The political- wealthy aristocracy at the top, the Mafia in the middle acting as an instrument of local government like John Dicke describes, and a kind of generic indifference from the regular folk, the citizens) in order for something to qualify as a true "Mafia". Otherwise what you have is a form of sophisticated organized crime, but not quite " MAFIA". In Italy, they describe several organizations as " Mafia associations" that are not Cosa Nostra. And this is from the DIA reports...

They did a great job of dramatizing this on The Wire. Avon had achieved dominance in an economic sector, ( drugs), tacit approval of his authority from the local populace, and as Dicke describes as a fundamental component, a share of the " Violence Industry". Meaning in the projects, because cops are hesitant to go there, he could commit acts of violence with near impunity. They had hierarchy and rules. That was a organized crime group. What they didn't have, what Stringer wanted was that connection to the upper crust, the Tri- level interaction. So they wouldn't to me, quite qualify as a " Mafia".

Now the Greeks, were interesting. To me, they are like the Caruana- Cuntreras or a similar type clan. They don't care really about ANY territory, thier organization is based on moving contraband. They corrupted 2 institutions, a labor union, which IS the preferred mechanism for a criminal organization to situate itself firmly in between the populace and the politicians, as well as infiltrate the business sector. They also corrupted the FBI. They committed selective acts of violence. I would consider them a " Mafia association" to use the language in DIA reports.

@ Furio
It's think it a DEEP error to judge Mafia activity by what you would consider "low level" crimes. For me, it's the Tri- level interaction. Not whatever criminal activity it is. I think stealing cattle is a low level crime. But if you are Luciano Leggio, and you steal so much cattle you form a meat supply company that now supplies real businesses like restaurants and such, now you are organized crime. If you are able to interact with the higher level and say... pay off cops or Judges, inspectors, secure contracts with hotels or restaurants or grocers, corrupt the local municipality, now you are " Mafia". Same with say... Nick Rizzuto selling contraband wheat. The skillset to move black market wheat is the same for moving things like heroin and coke. I don't see a real difference between rustling cattle for contraband beef, and a New Yorker hijacking a truck full of prime steaks bound for Midtown. I don't care if it's Demeos stolen cars, illegal landfills, drugs, concrete, fruits and vegetables, grapes for wine, if its Mexico what? Avocados and limes... right? Bootleg gas, stealing.... fuck. I'm searching for an article I thought I saved. It was about a Sicilian boss who moved to control theft in his territory. It's like... typically, he didn't care about petty theft. But there was so much thieving, practically an "industry of theft" in the territory he felt compelled to control it. He didn't go, ah.. fuck that low level stuff.

Also....Contemporary Sicily is practically awash with drugs....


The 90% of street gangs are made by guys selling dope at the street corners,fighting for the territory with other gangs and squeeze every penny out of the territory they control.
The mob are organizated! An example in the Nebrodi mountains the mafia are from the 1980s that steal EU funds and we are talking of milions
The mob have a hierarchy and with Provenzano only the moneymaker can climb the organization ranks.
The mob is made for last while street gangs was disbanded and created quickly.