Vito , I like your brainstorming. I understand it's very difficult given the fact that there are so many Montreal clans that are constantly fighting for their own turf. I will comment but I would definitely state that I don't know anymore than you do. I will just play along with theorizing.

Theory one: I don't think DelBalso would be acting alone. If that would be the case he would of been dead by now. I believe someone is helping and are using him as a pond. But you did state many valid points why the Rizzuto clan would want him gone.

Theory two: I also thought of that myself and I had arguments for and against but possible. Martin Robert wife is the daughter of Sharon ,Sergio Piccirilli's girlfriend and close associate. Piccirilli was the one who backed the D'Amico family and police tape recordings had him plotting Rizzuto demise. Sergio's other HA connection and close friend is Cazzetta. It's Barberio that throws me off. He used to work for for Devito and switched sides. But who knows maybe he decided to switch again by aligning himself with the bikers. Pizzi is another that does not fit in all of this. But in this business there are a lot of betrayals.

Theory Three: Is also possible. the red street gangs were used by Scoppa to cause havoc. Furthermore given recent Red losses, they stated that Vick Paul is related to Joseph DuCharme. Even more reason to rival against Leonardo. For this theory to be possible he would need the backing of another clan rival to the Rizzuto's

Theory four : Agree seems highly unlikely.

Theory Five: I don't think it is , given Stefano Solecito health but it's possible that other Sicilians , from the Rizzuto's home town , maybe eyeing for Leonardo's position. That was thrown out there by some reporter.

I am surprised you didn't theorize Mirarchi yet , and I underscore yet, along with other clans that were allied at one point to over throw the Rizzuto's.

Good job on the brainstorming !