The theme of the "double affiliation"
Another in-depth topic was that of the double affiliation that some leading exponents of the 'Ndrangheta would also have had with the Cosa nostra. The names involved are of weight: from Paolo De Stefano to Peppeand Mommo Piromalli , up to Nino Pesce , Pino Mammoliti , Luigi Mancuso , Pino Piromalli , Nino Molè , Nino Gangemi and some of the Alvaros. “These subjects - said Bruzzese - also had a top management role in the mafia. Mommo Piromalli, who at the time was at the top of all the 'Ndrangheta in Reggio, was held in high esteem by the Palermitans Bontate and Badalamenti. For this reason they were consulted when key decisions had to be made. Also in supporting the war against the Corleonesi? Absolutely yes. And these things were not done in the presence of everyone”.
Responding to a precise question from the prosecutor Lombardo on why he does not name subjects linked to the 'Ndrangheta of the Jonica Bruzzese, he said he did not know the specific names, but that "the 'Ndrangheta is a unitary body" and that "the Jonica is linked to the Tirrenica with the Nirtas, the Commisos, the Strangios and the Morabitos who are close to the Piromallis”. During the examination, Bruzzese then mentioned the existence of a "third level" with the need to create a "new thing". “These things were told to me by Cosimo Alvaro who aspired to the office of Most Holy Mother. He was already second medalist, but he wanted to get higher ”.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"