Originally Posted by DetroitPartnership
No matter how many convicts state this fact, the mafia blogs will never accept.

What fact are they stating?

That made members of LCN, do NOT have an “S” under their shirts?

When they are severely out numbered at 100,200, 500 and in some cases 1000 to one, they do not run the prisons.

FYI… LCN’s plan was never to take over the prisons.
It was to take over neighborhoods, Cities, States, Country, Whole Industries, and so much more however, NOT the PRISONS.

As a matter of fact their GOAL is the opposite, it is to stay out of jails and prisons.

The Blacks, Mexicans and Ricans can have the jails. prisons we would also be willing to throw in homeless shelters, migrant camps, drug rehabs…..

YOU GOT THAT, DUDE and DUDE, DUDE from the video and Son…