This Dudes son sounds real brave he messed with an old out of shape Italian.
While he out numbered him 100 to 1.

Dude real brave. DUDE, DUDE….
That was 2 minutes of my time wasted, watching that.
The funny thing is the only reason anyone even watched his video because he mentioned Italian mafia.

I’d like to see how brave Dude and his son would be if either one of them were by his self around 100 shooters from LCN.

Watch the show the first 48 these 3/4 of these gang members all RAT, before they are even charged.

These guys are sooo fucking dumb these cops lie to them, they believe the cops and and start ratting on each other, all before they have even spoken to their attorney.

There are so many RATS In these gangs it would be impossible to put lists together.

It’s funny they want to call Italians RATS, LCN has been in America for 100 years and each family has a dozen rats, MAYBE….

These gangs have been popular for 30 years and you can’t even keep track of the RATS.
You get one big case and arrest 50 members and more than 12 will RAT on that case.


In MEXICO they have so gang members that ratted that they have jails full of rats, stuffed from wall to wall, they cannot even move.

Compare that to Italy how many rats do we have there?
Compared to jails full.

What a JOKE.

Not even to mention the fact that 9 out of 10 are broken down junkies that look like they are homeless with two cents in their pocket.

Originally Posted by LuanKuci
Why would anyone give a shit about what that idiot thinks or says?

Last edited by BensonHURST; 04/30/23 01:45 PM.