Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by Goldy
I think Kuklinski sat around in his cell and thought up the "coolest" stuff he could think of to pretend he did or was involved in. I seem to remember reading somewhere that he killed two people, very low level criminal types that he was directly involved with, not mob related in any way. He poisoned one by putting something in their food and left the body under the bed in a hotel room. Real criminal mastermind. Then of course later on he said he was a free agent master assassin for all the mob Families, one of the Castellano shooters and he stabbed Hoffa in the head with a bowie knife in Detroit and drove the body to NJ to a junkyard to get crushed. So this make believe story seems right up the Kuklinski myth alley.

I believe you have it right.

Kuklinski was an a..hole..not 2 mention a downright liar...in my (book) ..he is nothing.

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...