Originally Posted by Hollander
Originally Posted by merlino
Very cool information on all of this and how it relates to US history and especially several presidents

Nixon was even called the Mafia's president. He spent a lot of time down in Cuba when gambling was legal and run by the Mafia.

And the time period of having some lapdog reporters and obviously no internet and lack of video surveillance lent to heavyweight politicians meeting with heavyweight gangsters without anyone really knowing. Funny how a good portion of America thinks that America was a white picket fence 2 parent suburbia and the government told the truth and was the end of the story, if Cronkrite said it then it must be true. I definitely think the CIA used the mafia in Dallas and other areas, Im 50/50 on people keeping the secret, but anyone who spoke out or knew of the plot in Dallas or the first one that was supposed to be in Tampa, were discredited in some fashion or met their untimely deaths. Thanks for this information it is really fascinating and in depth and a legit part of US history whether it is shiny or not, People get upset with certain aspects of US History and try and put in the context of 2023 or whatever and that is unfair, it is history and should be there for everyone to learn about and never be cancelled and then allow whoever is consuming that story to determine how they feel, not have a CNN or FOX talking head tell us how to feel on history.