and mafia i feel you are still hanging on to some principle that doesnt exist. again just because a situation like the mafia in montreal had never happened before doesnt mean it has no validity. the rizzutos did not need or care what the bonannos thought about them. they didnt need there connections what they could have been for a mostly ny based crime family. the rizzutos had become bigger and stronger than not just the bonannos but the colombos and lucchese as well and that is a hard point to dispute. just look at the litany of rackets and the money involved as well as the various criminal groups the rizzutos were working with both in canada and abroad in the time period around 1999 and vitos arrest. its not even close and please dont make me go get my books on the subjest to quote verbatim because i am too tired and sick to do so.

so whether the rizzutos were an official family sanctioned by the commission or a satellite crew or if VITO RIZZUTO just woke up one morning and said meh i'm done with those rats in ny it doesnt matter we will never know. just as the commission doesnt sanction franchises said franchises dont have a grand opening letting all know they r now operating independent.

believe what u want to believe defend your points but keep it civil. we r better than the apes no need to huck poop at each other.