at one time i would have agreed about HA sophistication. but in last few years they have become very sophisticated in some of there rackets. andre chartrand and jonathan ranger 2 men recently arrested were operating a cocaine processing lab mere hours outside montreal proper. and not processing from powder into crack or re packaging from import to the street best evidence shows it was from paste to powder. this is not an easy process with my lack of chemistry knowledge aside. furthermore the HA in quebec have a lock on production of meth in province for distribution across quebec and into eastern ontario and the east coast provinces. and this is not 1970's biker crank this meth rivals that produced by the cartels in mexico.

also important to remember the HA were wiped out after 2009 operation sharq arrests. there was 1 full patch member on the street. out of 120 + - in province. if any mafia crime family with similar numbers were taken off street in such a way that would have been the ball game for that family. lets pretend the entirety of the bonannos were arrested in such a fashion with lets say only john spirito sr. left on the street. the bonannos would be done or in such a state of confusion and panic that remaining ny families would swallow up there territory and rackets. i use the bonannos as a example but insert colombos or lucchese as an apt comparison.

however the HA IN QC were able to maintain some territory and through some very good lawyers and the HA have the best they were able to get out of all those charges for the most part. now i will add it takes very little sophistication to outsmart the canadian judicial system but it takes a whole lot of money to drag out a trial for 6 years.

and for the last 2 years the authoities in province have been going hard at HA. there structure of how they operate is making it hard to make those big arrests. the HA operate with the same cellular way as MAFIA.