Originally Posted by vegasbuckeye

If you ever do want to open that can of worms with Chicago's connection JFK's assassination I'd love to hear it. I just recently found out how many Outfit guy;s got whacked before having to testify for senate committees. (Roselli, Sam, Nicoletti)

Well Ill just make three or four statements or facts.

1. As I already said in my previous posts, the Chicago Outfit killed lots of politicians with the blink of an eye and had U.S. Presidents in their back pocket.

2. We have numerous wiretapped conversations between members and associates from different families from around country trash talking the Kennedys (especially the two brothers), out of obvious reasons because they didnt represent a problem only for the New York, Chicago, Tampa and New Orleans syndicates but instead they represented a threat for all national Mafia families and syndicates from around the country. I personally never stumbled upon a statement about killing JFK or Bobby, but as I previously said the Mob obviously had a problem with these guys.

3. We also have numerous evidences regarding some high profile Chicago members being involved in transatlantic operations, both for their own pleasure and also for the CIA. The alleged main fellas who were involved in those CIA ops were mainly from Chicago, Tampa and New Orleans, the same bosses who were previously quite disappointed from both JFK and his brother Bobby. But above all, the CIA was allegedly also mad at JFK for "screwing up" the Bay of Pigs operation, in which many CIA agents and mobsters were involved in and prepared the invasion of Cuba and Castro's assassination. So its quite possible that was additional fuel to the hatred which the Mob had for the Kennedys, meaning i n their eyes a lot of time, people and finances were wasted for "nothing". In addition not all mobsters hated Kennedy for the Bay of Pigs situation, since we have one wiretapped conversation from Gus Alex (a guy who knew all about corruption) in which he quite respected the President's move or decision.

4. Ruby obviously had Mob connections and there's no question about it. He belonged to the so-called Outfit's Jewish crew since the 1930's because he grew up around guys like Jake Guzik, Joe Epstein, Lenny Patrick, Dave Yaras, Irving Weiner etc. mostly from around the Lawndale area on the city's West Side.

By the early 1940's, Ruby was allegedly one of Patrick's bookies and worked together with high profile gambling operators and killers such as William Block, Harry “The Greener” Krotish and “Yiddles” Yaras. During those days they all were associated with Jewish leader Ben Zuckerman and Outfit capo Lawrence "Dago" Mangano from the West Side, including the Jewish Lawndale area.

According to sources, Ruby grew up on Chicago’s West Side, the Lawndale area, and by 1937 he was involved in Local 20467 of the Scrap Iron and Junk Handlers Union, in which the crime syndicate showed an interest and some say that Ruby was the connection. The union was formed that same year by attorney Leon Cooke, who worked as financial secretary and was also a personal friend of Ruby.

Ruby’s contacts were John Martin, the new union president and Paul Dorfman. These two guys knew people on both sides of the line and in reality they were gangsters, especially Dorfman who in turn was with the Capone mob since the 1920's. By 1939 Ruby and his associates managed to hit the newspapers regarding some illegal stuff.

The problem allegedly occurred when Ruby brought many members to the union, signed some decent contracts and in a record time won respect among his colleagues and employees and so there is no real indication that Ruby committed any type of crime. BUT the real problem were Ruby's associates like Paul Dorfman and John Martin who in turn wanted more for them and the criminal syndicate they worked for, and so they started stealing from the union.

In December 1939, Cooke entered Martin’s office and argued over the missing money from certain junkyards and so in a pure gangster style Martin grabbed a gun from under his table and pointed it towards Cooke, who in turn began to run and received one bullet in the back. Later he went to the hospital alone and after several days, for unknown complication on the wound, Ruby's close associate Leon Cooke died at the age of 28.

In January 1940, Martin was subsequently acquitted on the ground of self-defense and according to some accounts, the ownership of the union should’ve been given to Ruby, but that didn’t happen because shortly after Cooke’s death, he allegedly refused to devote himself further to union activities and left its employ and instead devoted himself to bookmaking under auspices of Patrick and Yaras. He also worked for legitimate companies such as the Spartan Novelty Company, the Globe Auto Glass Company and the Universal Sales Company.

During the mid 1940's there was a so-called Chicago invasion over Dallas and the city's rackets, and so many Outfit members went down there so they can spread Chicago's interests and to create their own criminal monopoly. But the Chicago Outfit already had huge internal war and so they didnt have enough muscle to accomplish their Dallas invasion, meaning the whole operation went down the toilet sometime around 1946/47.

Some sources say that back in 1943 there was some problem between Ruby and Patrick regarding the bookmaking business and so that same year Ruby joined the army and returned back to Chicago in 1946 and the next year or in 1947 he went to Dallas Most mainstream sources say that in 1947 Ruby decided, on his own, to go down to Dallas but even though I dont have a straight answer, still I personally believe that wasnt the case mainly because of the business attempts which the Outfit portrayed in Dallas at the time. Story goes that Sam Yaras (Dave Yaras' brother) was one of the Outfit's associates at the time who remained in Dallas and was also one of Ruby's close associates in the bookmaking business.


After the 1963 assassination of JFK, we all know that Ruby stepped out from the crowd and shot Oswald in the chest, thus fatally wounding him on national television. When the cops hauled Ruby away from the murder scene, not far from the hallway where Oswald shouted out to the press, "I'm just a patsy," Ruby allegedly shouted out, "I've been used for a purpose."

The investigation confirms at least some of my previous statements and also shows that the cops picked up Lenny Patrick on November 25, 1963 and interviewed him. According to the FBI interview report, Patrick said he and Ruby knew each other since kids and that they both attended Shephard Grammar School, but were not close friends. Patrick also stated that he frequently saw Ruby in the old neighborhood and always spoke with him, as did everyone else who grew up on the West Side. Patrick denied having anything to do with Ruby and that the last time he saw Ruby was about 10 or 12 years prior to the assassination. Ruby’s sister Eva also said that her brother didn't manage to get in touch with Patrick so the investigators concluded there was nothing to it. The fed also questioned Jack Patrick (Lenny's brother) and he said that he also knew Ruby from the past but haven’t heard about him in quite awhile.

Next for questioning was Dave Yaras who also said that he knew Ruby as "Sparky," a young hustler and fight fan from Division and Damen Street area, 30 years ago. Yaras also stated that his late brother Sam Yaras, who also resided in Dallas, was acquainted with Ruby.

Irwin Weiner was also questioned and he also admitted knowing Ruby from the old days but hadn’t done any contacts in years.

Later reports showed that Ruby and Patrick had contacts a month prior the assassination. Reports showed that Ruby had also contacted Weiner in October 1963 and also made few telephone calls in Chicago to Patrick and Yaras.

But for “unknown” reasons the Warren Commission investigators credulously accepted the word of these lying and murderous Chicago hoodlums and accepted the fact that Ruby had no underworld ties. I think that Ruby’s sister was also forced to lie out of fear for her life and her family’s lives.

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good