Originally Posted by Toodoped


@Hollander I avoided to mention the JFK situation in my Truman article because I dont want to open that can of worms and I believe you can easily understand why lol As you already said, it seems during the old days the Mob was involved in securing huge number of votes for these guys at key moments or at the last moment. Giancana also mentioned Roosevelt as their previous guy or before Truman and so it seems there were more than few presidents who sometimes worked for the pleasure of the Mob, usually only in important situations but the money was probably coming on weekly or monthly basis. Remember the Mayor Cermak situation or the alleged assassination attempt (invented by the media at the time) on Roosevelt? Well some of the evidences show that Roosevelt wasnt the real target, but instead it was probably Cermak and so the Mob again managed to finish their job. Cermak's men allegedly tried to kill Frank Nitto who in turn survived the shooting and later he and Ricca accomplished their revenge by using probably the first "Lee Harvey Oswald style" or method lol.

I understand haha it was common practice for the Mafia to deliver Teamsters Union votes at the national level at least till the 80s.

Last edited by Hollander; 04/15/23 07:23 PM.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"