very good points as always bensonhurst.
i may add though that HA in quebec have there own direct connect to cocaine and have for decades. it is not just MAFIA cells who have these. from days of mom boucher and nomads in midst of quebec biker war they were able to see that they could not just rely on mafias connects for cocaine. HA from have established chapters in ecuador and dominican republic. the d.r. chapter was founded by members from trois rivieres chapter and those connections remain to this day. the d.r. is a jumping off transit point for cocaine imports. the quito chapter (i think it is based in quito) was founded by michel lajoie smith an ex full patch HA who has long held connections to cocaine sources.

also the HA have a lock on production and distribution of meth in province. never a traditional mafia racket the meth business but this generates huge profits for the angels and there support clubs.

the only other thing i will add is that appears from articles written in 2021 by daniel renaud and others that gregory woolley and his allies are no longer part of this alliance. the same setup that was put in place from 2012-2015 ended with magot/mastiff arrests. this new alliance would be led by HA AND MAFIA with woolley not having as big or any say. probably a result of woolley being incarcerated until 2020/2021. but in same article it does state that leadership of HA has no interest in past feuds amongst mafia or street gangs and is only interested in making money.

so both HA/MAFIA do still continue to farm out hits, arson,beatings etc to some sets of street gangs but not all.