Originally Posted by VitoCahill
i will add further the strategy if it is that, by HA/MAFIA to completely blur the lines and mesh the 2 organizations to some extent is genius.
i realize that the very idea of bikers having to protect mafia member is anathema to some but it is the case. and for those in the MAFIA that want to continue to live and make money there really is no choice but to allie with HA. the mafia is completely outnumbered province wide by HA it is not even close.

The concept is nothing new it has been going on in certain areas, for many many years.
LCN has traditionally always been way more under surveillance, than other O.C. groups combined.

With that said in Amercian, LCN it makes perfect sense to farm out those brain dead, crash dummy activities, to gang members, or whoever that will assault people, burn people's cars etc.

I.E. look at Peter Pan, he burnt a car and got a dime piece.

A way smarter move would be to pay a gang member $1,000,00 or $1,500.00 to burn that car.

If you have a valued member in your LCN, crew that is bringing in Big Money, do you risk getting him taken off the streets for 10 years by sending him out to burn a car.

Vito Rizzuto formed these alliances many years ago, that was what made him the BOSS OF BOSSES was his ability to be able to form these alliances and get these different groups to work together and split the profits in relative peace.

So, providing muscle for the racket never meant anything derogatory.

1) We Cosa Nostra will be putting up the cash and bringing the drugs into this country, dealing with the mother land and the cartels.
2) Hells Angels will be wholesaling them to gangbangers and providing muscle on the street.
3) Gangbangers will be serving the FEINS, and also providing muscle.