Good morning VC,

There are "familial" ties (at the very least), between the blood families of those in the U.S. and back in Ribera. And if in fact, mafiosi still exist in Ribera (which they do). Then it only stands to reason that if any of them decide to immigrant to the U.S., NJ's blood relations would come into play. Whether thats yesterday, today, or next year. Having said that, because they are such a small presence and have always been, you will never see the level of Sicilian/American activity like a family such as the Gambino's who number into the hundreds.

The same goes for their level of criminal activities. They are on the down low, as are each of the Five Families, and whatever out of state families still exist in America.

One only has to review the amount of indictments among NYC's Five Families in recent years (or the dismal lack thereof) to realize that. These families are massive compared to the DeCav's, yet, there have been very few arrests and cases. When I was a kid, there were literally hundreds and hundreds of cases annually. Multiple arrest nearly every week. Today? It's down to a trickle.

With a tiny membership, naturally the DeCav arrests are reduced proportionately. Correct? It's only common sense.
And as for Majuri and Bellomo, I've never heard of any blood relations between them. I'm not saying it's not possible. But personally, I'm not aware of any.
And lastly, I thank you for the compliment Vito, and the feeling is mutual. Its always nice to interact with nice posters (which is what I consider you).