just look at all the silver/white hair in that photo to know the average age of members.

i am of the belief that they still exist as a separate family. however to what extent and involved in what crimes we would need a new indictment to show that info.

as previously posted not too long ago the family cannot have more than 30 active members on the street. that number is only an estimate for those not imprisoned and still active. with that criteria the number may fall lower.

also no one likes to mention the fact that the family only operates in NJ. i realize they once had a crew that operated in NY but c'mon. the territory in NJ is being swallowed up by a myriad of different OC groups and we are to believe they still scratch out something in NY? in NY a city far greater in size, with a far greater amount of criminal groups working the rackets. somehow the decavs are still running a crew? i doubt it. this family does not even have total control of its own state let alone other territories out of state.

lastly i have said it before and will do again there is no more connect back to ribera,sicily in a criminal sense. do sicilians possibly continue to come over and settle in NJ? sure but there is no evidence proving that said sicilians are doing so to rebuild the decav family. citing a 2006 article that stated a connection still exists is not enough proof in 2023 of such a claim.