That's true, a bust usually shows the tip of the iceberg, but unless you're actively part of that life you're never really gonna know all that's going on. I just can't help but think; what's left for the Decavalcante's? In Newark there are crews from the NYC families operating that are - if you include associates - bigger than the Decavalcante's in their entirety. South Jersey has traditionally been more influenced by Philly. The Decavalcante's traditional power base is in Elizabeth. Can a family in this day and age survive on that alone?
I can imagine most aspirant mobsters in the area are gonna wanna join either one of the Five Families - which they regard as "Premier League" - before they're thinking of the Decavalcante's. On top of that I have heard talks about other East Coast families like New England and Philly that they've been rebuilding. I obviously don't know how much truth there is to that, but there's smoke in that regard. I just haven't heard the same about the Decavalcante's.

I do believe they're operating as a criminal enterprise as we speak, but when I do the math based on what I heard and read the vision of the future I have doesn't bode well for them.