While examining the recently deceased corpse of former Sicilian Mafia boss Girolamo Minore, the attending mortician noticed that Minore had the largest penis he'd ever seen on a man.

"I'm very sorry, Don Minore," respectfully replied the mortician to his expired subject, "But I can't send 'all' of you to be cremated with such a tremendously large penis such as this. Your penis, my dear mafioso friend, must be saved for posterity."

The mortician then proceeded to remove Minore's penis. He then slid it into a long jar and placed it in his briefcase. When he got home, he decided to show the unique specimen to his wife.

"My dear, I have something to show you that you're not gonna believe, even with your own eyes," he said. The smiling mortician then removed the jar from his briefcase and placed it directly in front of his wife.

She took one glance, the blood immediately drained from her face, and she screamed out, "Oh dear God, no, Minore is dead!"