In this specific instant of Andrea Scoppa speaking about ceremonies and inductions he is not that credible as a source because he isn't a LCN member and is a vindictive person. You read his opinion on anyone who slighted him so maybe if he didn't get button he would downplay it saying it means nothing. We see this time and time again from non members who down play being made and then we get accounts from people who were actually made and they tell us your button means everything in that life. I'm not dismissing it but we can't take it at face value and say that's that because Andrea Scoppa said so.

I have read all the recent reporting on Montreal. Now answer my question did you read this thread and see what I was actually saying? I never said the Bonanno Family still controls Montreal. I'm saying we don't know what is going on in terms of the organization up there. If you're Sicilian you're called Cosa Nostra and if you're Calabrian you're called Ndrangheta and if you're any other Italian no you're not. We have absolutely no info about what these guys actually are. We don't know if they're considered LCN or Ndrangheta or if they even have any formal membership in any organization. For all we know they could be groups of ragtag Italians playing Mafia.

This post is about whether there is a official Mafia Family in Montreal and for the people who say there is you guys still haven't seen provide evidence of that. The drugs construction and gambling isn't relevant to the questions at hand so I have no desire to talk about it.