Originally Posted by Hollander
In another wire-tapped phone conversation with Giacomo Luppino, Paolo Violi berated Bill Bonanno, the son of Joseph Bonanno, as he stated, "I told you that if I was to know that Bonanno was coming up again, I would tell him what a dishonest man he is. I would have gone myself and shown him what I thought of him...I would have told him, 'I'm not with you nor with him. I'm by myself. I don't want to have anything to do with anyone, because you're all a bunch of bastards'. The way things stand today that the abboccatoes [regions] will split and everyone will be on their own. I'm telling you that, in Montreal, we will be alone by ourselves."
Violi's brash, cocky and arrogant approach and lack of respect for his elders did not make him friends in the underworld.

Wow I guess we know why what happened to him happened to him.
This was after Galante was gone or was in jail I am assuming?

Don’t think he would have been talking that way with Galante still around?