This isn't the gotcha moment you think it is. Someone said Sal Vitale went to Montreal to find out how many members there were. I said that wasn't true and that's right Sal Vitale didn't go to Montreal with the sole reason to find out how many members there were. It might of been discussed but that wasn't why he was there. That's like saying Sal Vitale went to Montreal to go sightseeing because Joe Di Maulo drove him aroundlol Sal Vitale's main purpose in Montreal was to take their pulse and appoint a new Captain. If you want to consider this a win for you because you're nitpicking and splitting hairs then go ahead. You won Bensonhurst enjoy it.

So anyway now that I've addressed your pettiness could you please show me any evidence that Montreal has their own official Mafia Family? I think I've asked enough times already.

And if you think a couple paragraphs is a book and too long to read maybe forums aren't for