Originally Posted by BensonHURST
Originally Posted by Mafia101
Originally Posted by BensonHURST
Things were always done differently in Canada.
Even the Buffalo crews were not structured as traditional LCN, crews.

Going back to Massino sending Vitale to find out how many made men they have.
So they were a crew of the Bonanno’a that had authority to induct new members, order murders with out the bosses approval.


So I think it safe to say there were never any traditional LCN crews in Canada, from the beginning.

Sammy the Bull is really dumb.

He def was never someone that knew much about the historical origins of LCN in America let alone abroad. He doesn’t know a lot about a lot things LCN, so I would not point to that as anything.

Just listen to his podcast and the way he tells stories you will see what I mean.
That does not take away from the fact that his time on the street he was a stone killer and he yielded a lot of power and influence.

He just was never groomed to be in the admin, he stepped into the position we all know how and why.

Joe Massino didn't send Sal Vitale up there to find out how many guys they had.

That's not true. What isn't traditional about the crews in Montreal and the Hamilton area? They were a group of Mafia Associates and Members ran by a Mafia Captain. Where did you read Montreal could order their own murders? Gerlando Sciascia asked permission to kill Giuseppe LoPresti even though Sal Vitale and Anthony Spero got the impression it already happened. What inductions did they hold on their own? A remote crew being allowed to see to their own affairs to a certain extent isn't non traditional either. Anthony Arilotta talks about of Al Bruno being like the Boss of Springfield but they were still a Genovese crew.

You guys are making stuff out of nothing.

101- I read it in a book the 6th family.

I don’t have time to “MAKE SHIT UP”

It is clear to see that your mother never taught you how to play nice in the sand box.

The first sign of wisdom is “KNOWING WHAT YOU DONT KNOW”

I’ll admit I have not read that book in many years so I might not have remember everything 100%
I have no problem looking through the book again to refresh my memory.

I don’t think I need to now because EASTOFVAN pretty much just smacked you in UR MUG, with facts.

If you were 1/2 a man you would fess up and apologize, admit you were wrong.
If your mother never taught you how to play nice in the sand box, she probably never taught you how to admit when you are wrong.

So don’t think your capable.

You could have just asked me where my information
Was from because you never heard that before, before accusing me of making shit up.

The Sixth Family makes the claim they're their own Family and that Vito Rizzuto had hundreds of made men in his own Family but offered no proof of any of that. The book was fantastic for a history of police investigations and court cases but missed the mark when it came to anything related to Mafia structure.

I haven't been wrong about anything I've said and all Eastofvan did was fabricate conversations. I don't need to ask you where your information is from because it was wrong. The crews in Canada were and are traditional.

Originally Posted by BensonHURST
Originally Posted by Mafia101
Eastside you just tried putting words in my mouth by taking what I said and applying it to one specific thing you said without the context of the actual conversation. That is not showing the truth that's being manipulative and dishonest to bolster your argument.

Instead of arguing about posts from two months ago why don't you show us evidence of a official Mafia Family in Montreal if that's what you believe? The burden of proof is on everyone who believes the Rizzutos are their own Family.

Rizzutto is the head of the Montreal Mafia because the “ EXPERTS” THE REAL EXPERTS” the guys that make a living and get paid to write about this topic, that are best selling authors, are on T.V. they consult with L.E. at times.

And the fact that L.E. refers to Rizzutto as the head of the Montreal Mafia.

So if you want to challenge their resume go ahead and post-

1) Why you are more of an expert than Humphreys and L.E. (To name just 2)
2) Your proof as to why they are no longer considered the Montreal Mafia.

Recent Tweet from Humphreys:


101 has been drinking from his own cool-aid, afterwards he crowned himself king.

If you have been paying attention to anything I've been saying you would see that I've said we have no idea what the Montreal Mafia is currently. There has been no info that has come out publically and shown any of them are LCN or Ndrangheta or anything else. I'm not saying I'm more of an expert than anyone except for some of you here lol but I absolutely will challenge any journalist or anyone for that matter who claims Montreal or Hamilton are their own official Mafia Families because there hasn't been any proof of that.

You talk about law enforcement considers them their own Family but in any of the multiple police investigations and court cases that have taken place in the last 15 years none have ever used any LCN terminology like Capodecina/Caporegime Consigliere SottoCapp/Underboss CapoMafia/Boss/Rappresentante or anything like that. In the most recent book from Montreal La Source/Inside the Montreal Mafia the book about Andrea Scoppa there is a quote from a former RCMP officer who worked many of these cases and he said they remain under the thumb of the Bonanno Family. So that's law enforcement at the highest level in Canada saying the exact opposite of what you are.

I already told you and Liggio the burden of proof is on you guys who are making the claim not me. And so far none of you have shown they are their own Family but still insist they are.

Did anyone actually read what Luankuci posted? It probably sent a few of you for a ride since for the last 24 years you thought the Rizzutos became the Sixth Family after Gerlando Sciascia died lol

Let me lay out the facts for you again.

Montreal has had dozens of if not more Mafia members from many different Families working in the city. They have had American Mafia Family members there and Sicilian Mafia members there. Montreal has had Ndrangheta members and Camorra members there. The only Family that has had a official Mafia crew there is the Bonanno Family. The Bonanno Family is the Mafia Family that most Montreal names we know have belonged to. There has never been a official Mafia Family in Montreal that is known. Whatever the fuck Leonardo Rizzuto and Stefano Sollecito and Vittorio Mirarchi and others are running in Montreal today has never been identified as a Official Mafia Family. None of them have never been identified as official members of any Mafia organization.

Last edited by Mafia101; 04/07/23 09:23 AM.