I just cannot wrap my head around Leonardo Rizzutto other than he is cut from the same cloth of dad .

If his family has 1/100th of the money they say he had.

You live in Canada
Where anybody and everybody can be touched.
Very easily

Just take the money to where ever the FHU_K
Live on a beach.

His brothers death has been avenged

this was near miss a couple inches in any direction he would be with his brother, father and granfather.

The true way to win this game is to get out when you are near or at the top.
This is as close as he is going to get top the top.

And he is not from the old generation where all he and they knew was cosa nostra
His father's family was moreso run like a drug cartel than a cosa nostra family.

This man is a college educated attorney
He did not come from the Slums of Sicily having to rob to feed his family.

he is not an old school captain that has been in cosa nostra for 30, 40 years and knows nothing else.