My guess is that the U/B was from Brooklyn, Bensonhurst area and he recruited heavily from that area.
My guess comes partially from reading NYMafia's posts.

Sam the plumber wasn't worried about a coup attempt meaning he let the BK, U.B. build a faction that was just about equal to the N.J. faction as NY Mafia pointed out, he listed 45 NJ members and 41 NY members. Very often the admin is mindful NOT to add new blood to potential rival crews within their own family, if the build that crew too much that crew could become too strong and make a play for the top spot.

Alot of the B.K. members were also associates of the Colombo family a lot of them grew up together in the neighborhood and later on had joint Colombo/Decav rackets.

What is the biggest change in the family is they never rebuilt their NY faction again.
The last Capo in Brooklyn I believe was Anthony Rotundo and we all know that he flipped.

The Bensonhurst recruiting ground has 100% dried up for the family, they are left with the N.J. faction.

What we dont know is do any of the remaining members, do they have a desire to keep the family viable in the future or if they just dont care or want to take the risk.
Will one or have a few gotten together and made a decision that they want to keep America's oldest LCN family going, or are they going to let it go by the way of the DOO-DOO BIRD?

We dont hear about any of their sons or nephews the only ones that I hear about are Riggi's two sons which I believe one is a captain the other is made.

We dont hear anything about the family.
However, historically that has been the case they way under the radar, before the indictments of the late 1990's early 2000's the only guy to do any real time in that family was Riggi.

We know they are under the flag of the Gambino's who are Sicilian led we do not hear that much about the Gambinos these days,

A couple of indictments a year maybe for 200 members, so if the Decavs have 25 members and we only hear about indictments every few years, is that so out of whack?

One guy that I remember being the real deal is Abramo.

I remember Phillip Abramo was the real deal on wall street respected and feared by all the families that were on the street at the time.
Sovreign Equities was one of his firms nobody FUCHED with him/them.