I think I managed to find some of the alleged wiretaps in my old posts between Giancana and Roselli...

The first convo is about Sinatra and Kennedy:

Roselli: ... He [Frank Sinatra] was real nice to me... He says: "Johnny, I took Sam's name, and wrote it down, and told Bobby Kennedy, 'This is my buddy, this is what I want you to know Bob'. "Between you and I, Frank saw Joe Kennedy three different times-Joe Kennedy, the father. He called him three times... He [Frank] says he's got an idea that you're mad at him. I says: "That, I wouldn't know".

Giancana: He must have a guilty conscience. I never said nothing... Well, I don't know who the fuck he's [Frank's] talking to, but if I'm gonna talk to... after all, if I'm taking somebody's money, I'm gonna make sure that this money is gonna do something, like, do you want it or don't you want it. If the money is accepted, maybe one of these days the guy will do you a favour.

Roselli: That's right, He [Frank] says he wrote your name down...

Giancana: Well, one minute he [Frank] tells me this and then he tells me that and then the last time I talked to him was at the hotel in Florida a month before he left, and he said, "Don't worry about it. If I can't talk to the old man [Joseph Kennedy], I'm gonna talk to the man [President Kennedy." One minute he says he's talked to Robert, and the next minute he says he hasn't talked to him. So, he never did talk to him. It's a lot of shit. Why lie to me? I haven't got that coming.

Roselli: I can imagine... Tsk, tsk, ...... if he can't deliver, I want him to tell me: "John, the load's too heavy.

Giancana: That's all right. At least then you know how to work. You won't let your guard down then, know what I mean... Ask him [Frank] if I'm going to be invited to his New Year's party.


In the second convo the two Mafiosi criticized the CIA devices and indicated that the FBI versions were more compact....

Giancana: You can't take a big mike like that and put it in a flat.

Roselli: Sure, if you can take it apart.

Giancana: If you take it apart, you might not get the volume as clear as...

Roselli: Well, you play with it, you get an electronics guy... One thing, let me tell you what it is. The CIA has it...

Giancana: Like a cigarette.

Roselli: The FBI out there... has got a portable, it takes conversations way out... I told them, for Christ's sakes report on that thing.. ...... .1 got another kind you.. A guy in LA who's got an electronic cap kind of thing, and he showed me that... so I got to find out what the smallest thing is. If you put it in there, you got a receiver? And receive it when you are set up?

Giancana: Maybe a block, two blocks, three blocks...

Roselli: How big was your receiver?

Giancana: Like a... the box was only this big, maybe three inches by three inches. We were talking "blah, blah, blah." It picked it up. Think about it.

Roselli: Yeah. I'll work on it. Bobby is in Washington .


In addition, i think theres also some strong info that Roselli was allegedly involved in anti-Castro operations in South Florida, which confirms the previous convo regarding the CIA and also their ties to the agency.

Giancanas guy and Outfit member Richard Cain was allegedly connected with Central American CIA training camps and also worked as electronic surveillance expert who specialized in telephone tappings and knew how to speak Spanish, and many other things. Cain allegedly tapped the telephones of government leaders on behalf of the Outfit and the CIA. You see, the Outfit used to send Christmas gifts in the form of American cars and other expensive products to Manuel Noriega, Ferdinand Marcos, General Omar Torrijos, the Shah of Iran etc.

Robert Kennedy even asked Outfit member Hyman Larner if his house in Florida was used for shipping out arms for the Cuban revolution, on which Larner obviously used the 5th. We also have a wiretapped convo in which Larner ordered seven Corvettes to be shipped to Panama as Christmas gifts for the officials over there.


Giancana even used CIA equipment for his own purposes. For example he was crazy in love with Phyllis McGuire and bugged her room in Las Vegas because Giancana suspected that she was seeing other men.

The main suspect was comedian Dan Rowan and so Giancana arranged for a CIA specialist to tap the phone in Rowan's room to see whether his relationship with McGuire was romantic or not.

I dont remember the whole story but I think the agent got arrested at the hotel and lots of complications occurred for the CIA at the time.


This means that Giancana, Roselli and Trafficante were involved in one quite dangerous situation in which nobody was above the state or the US government.

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good