Originally Posted by MafiaStudent
Originally Posted by Giacalone
One of the most powerful organized crime figures of the 20th century. Harry Stromberg was a force. People don't even understand what this man meant to the underworld.

I enjoy learning about all these different people I've never heard of before (like Stromberg) or didn't know much about, (remember, I'm still a student...lol) just from all the articles and charts NYM has researched and written, my own individual research, and, of course, various discussions and contributions from members of this forum.

Having said that, and maybe this is too much of a "student" type question, but if you don't ask, you'll never learn....do you think, other than Lansky, that Jewish gangsters are overlooked?

Probably the most overlooked man from the Lansky group is Alvin Malnik. Lansky's millions went to that man. That man is still alive. On May 23, he'll turn 90. I am intimately familiar with that man's power. In Miami, he is everything.

But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way
Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away