«The 'Ndrangheta is everyone's great mother, the Calabrian family is the most powerful in the world»
These are the statements made by a former boss of the Sacra corona united, now repentant, Salvatore Annacondia, during the interrogation made in the 'Ndrangheta massacre trial underway in Reggio Calabria.

by Francesco Altomonte March 23, 2023 1:00 pm

His name is Salvatore Annacondia . He is a former boss of the Sacra Corona Unita, a multiple murderer, former collaborator of justice and a minor figure among the pentiti heard during the 'Ndrangheta massacre trial.

They call him Manomozza , because as a boy, practicing poaching with explosives, his hand jumped off. He says mafiosos of a certain level, people like him, never lose their temper. By his own admission, he didn't scruple to assassinate in cold blood those who didn't pay off their drug debts: men, but also women . He is a minor figure, as mentioned, among the swarm of repentants reviewed in the historic 'Ndrangheta massacre trial underway in the Assize Court of Appeal in Reggio Calabria. During the hearings, however, he uttered a phrase that will remain engraved in the chronicles: " The 'Ndrangheta is the great mother of all» says Salvatore Annacondia to the assistant prosecutor Giuseppe Lombardo who is questioning him in the courtroom.

The audio containing his statements was played in the ninth episode of Mammasantissima – Process of the 'Ndrangheta . «In Campania there is the Camorra - says Annacondia - in Puglia there is the united Sacra corona, in Sicily there is the Cosa nostra…And the Calabrian 'Ndrangheta is the great mother doctor. It can be said that the Calabrian family is the most powerful in the world ».

"The king is dead, long live the king!"