Originally Posted by RushStreet
I just am wondering why the fuck you care about this guy so much?

now this is a weird thing to ask on a forum specifically created for those who want to talk, discuss and inquire about organized crime figures, groups and events.

I asked a simple question that was answered rather quickly

end of the story

you’re the one making a big deal out of this

Originally Posted by RushStreet
Honestly he's a nobody.

how am I supposed to know that if I don’t know who he is?

he did business with people from three families, was Catapano and Franzese’s protégé and managed to record enough to put both of them plus a dozen other guys in jail.

I wouldn’t call him a nobody

Originally Posted by RushStreet
That is not a cut at you personally just wondering why this guy is so important.

how could you mistake curiosity for obsession?

I logically found it odd that, given today's knowledge about the mob, that picture (which is pretty popular around mob forums) was never fully captioned and he was never ID

I learned a bit more about the early 2000’s Colombos that I didn’t know before

That’s why I browse a website featuring info on organized crime

I’d take a wild guess and say that you are here for the same reason…