Originally Posted by LuanKuci
Again, their jobs and funds are solidly secured because they don’t focus only on the mob, hence the name of their section.

There will never be a lack of organized crime groups in a city like NY so there really is no need to play things up.

Even If their intentions were to “hype” their jobs they would have pushed the Cartels or the Chinese or the Russians to get extra publicity from pundits and making it more “politically” relevant. The mafia doesn’t trigger the same response from nation-wide media because it can’t be twisted into more current, larger and pressing issues such as immigration (Cartels) or geopolitics (China, Russia).

I mentioned that the Cartels and Asian gangs do not draw the public's interest as much, and more importantly, the communities push back strongly claiming racism. Just look at all the books, movies, an tv series on the Mafia. They drew the most attention. At the end of the day, the D.A.s are political hacks. They get funded yearly, and funding can fluctuate. If they go harder after cartels and others, the protests would cause their superiors to tell them to back off. With the Mafia, they can do whatever they want. When we see mass roundups of Black, Hispanic, or Asians averaging age 70 being dragged out of their homes at 6 A.M. on gambling charges, that's when I'll see things as equal. The mafia is not as feared in nay way as they were in their heyday.