2019 article about NY mob


Interesting part:

“Allon Lifshitz is deputy chief of the criminal division of the US Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York. Together with his colleague Kristin Mace, the current chief of the Organized Crime And Gangs Section, Lifshitz is responsible for prosecuting the mob.

‘The mafia today is a significant presence,’ he told GQ, ‘no less than in the past’

Lifshitz said their drug operations are probably more formalised today. “There’s always been a rule against selling drugs in the mob, but more of our big cases involving the big moneymakers involve drugs, including importing drugs, such as heroin and cocaine, from overseas or selling opioids domestically.

“What you think of as their traditional bread and butter – loan-sharking and extortion – are,” he said, “going on every day in New York City.”