Originally Posted by Goldy
Wasn't Nick spotted in Chicago pretty openly within the last couple years? I thought he dropped out of WP. If it wasn't for Frank Jr he wouldn't have testified. Personally I think Jr testified because he knew of many more of Sr's stash spots and figured why not use a get out of free card, put Dad in prison for life and get that $$$. Had to throw Uncle Nick under the bus for the Fecarotta hit. I think the Feds would have agreed to that trade knowingly and willingly. If they could get a made guy to flip they'd gladly let Jr have all the $$$ he could find. He stole almost a million from Sr and Sr didn't notice the money was missing for months when they were both out on the street. If he had that kind of cash in a stash spot, he had a ton more. Plus the hundreds of thousands and jewels they "found" behind the wall in the basement of his house after he went to prison for Life after the trial. I'd like to hear more from the other Calabrese brother, not Jr who acts like he's some victim and never wanted to be involved in the life.

His brother Kurt has verbally admitted that Frank Jr. is dead to him.

Frank Jr. was no victim. He was a pussy who wanted to be involved in the life but once he got addicted to coke and stole all his dads money he got scared and then turned on his father to save his own ass. If I was one of those crazy motherfuckers in prison for life and no possibility of parole and he ended up there I'd make Whitey Bulger's beating look humane. I'm sure there is someone locked up who would love to do it.

Last edited by RushStreet; 03/14/23 03:05 PM.