Originally Posted by CabriniGreen
Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by Hollander
Gasoline Scheme was big, but i think it originated in Brighton Beach they started working with Colombo's and Lucchese's.

He wrongly got credit for running it and starting it, when in fact it was The Russians who did both. Franzese got the big publicity for it due to being in the mafia and the son of John Franzese. I wish there was more information on what the others in it got as to money made and prison sentences.

It baffles me how many of you apparently haven't read the guys book. Yall be saying a bunch of stuff thats.... i dunno... they just seem more like opinions...

Because there's nothing more legit then an egomaniac trying to sell his book, right ??

Wilt Chamberlin's book said he banged 20,000 girls...Believe that too ??

Btw, I read his book, and found around 60% to be BS...Most of all his becoming a christian, which is most insulting..He's as christian as Al Sharpton's a reverend !!

Last edited by DiLorenzo; 03/10/23 06:06 PM.