So far, you're all given great explanations of why you picked who you did.
As for me? Lol. I designed the question, yet, I find it hard to pick any particular one for some of the very same reasons you've given. Because depending upon whose career and life you examine, each had pluses and minuses. For instance, I really liked and considered each for the following reasons;

James (Jimmy the Hat) Lanza:
1) for the simple fact that he lived and controlled the beautiful City of San Francisco, California. From what I know about it, I imagine thats a wonderful place to live.
2) No police record. To my knowledge he was never even arrested once during his entire underworld career.
3) He was the son of the founding boss of the family, Frank Lanza. So he had extra "pull."
4) He headed a relatively small, quiet, yet thriving Family. (he had San Francisco, with a population with 800,000 residents)
5) He was obviously a wealthy guy. Owned real estate, an olive oil and Italian foods importing business, an insurance brokerage firm, etc.
6) Lanza lived well. Had a relatively "stress free" life, and lived to the unbelievabley ripe old age of 103!...What else is there to say? LOL
Sebastian (John) La Rocca:
1) He controlled the City of Pittsburgh for decades (300,000 population). Yet, was generally able to remain in the background, allowing a few trusted minions to be "up" front. Pittsburgh was a city with a rich underworld history.
2) Had a limited police record, and (to my knowledge) never served any big jail time.
3) As an "East Coast" boss, held close ties to Cosa Nostra's power base back in NYC. He worked closely with top bosses.
4) Although the family had a small formal membership, they were augmented by literally hundreds of "associates."
5)He was a wealthy guy. He owned a cement block supply company, real estate, coin-vending machine distributorships, etc.
6) I respect the fact that he wasn't greedy. He shared the "wealth" among his top capos and soldiers, which of course, in turn, kept everybody happy and avoided dissension within the ranks (an EXTREMELY sharp move on his part).
7) To the best of my knowledge about him, he was able to enjoy his life. Vacationed to Florida and other destinations regularly, etc. And he lived into his eighties (if I remember correctly). A well-lived life.
Joseph Zammuto:
1) Headed a small, very quiet Family, based in Rockford, IL. (a small city of only 147,000 residents).
2) By the very nature of the territory he controlled, this borgata operated quietly, yet, I suspect, still earned money appropriate to their size.
3) Lived a very quiet, unassuming life. Wanted for nothing, and generally stayed in the background, allowing his men to be "up front."
4) Zammuto had a minor police record. Never spent any real time behind bars, yet, was THE boss and a respected mafioso for decades!
5) Owned or controlled several legitimate businesses that brought him a steady income. So relived comfortably.
6) And he too, died of old age, in his own bed....A well lived life.
Giovanni (John Scalish) Scalici:
1) Headed the "Cleveland Family," a city that also held a rich underworld history (with a population of 368,000) This family was respected by NY, and worked with them for many years.
2) Controlled a medium-sized family, that was involved over the years in many major mob operations such as Las Vegas, national labor unions (at one point, Scalish's crew actually controlled the President of the Teamsters), etc.
3) Even though he had several notches on his arrest record, to my knowledge Scalish never served any big time behind bars.
4) Lived a very comfortable life. Scalish also did it right, staying "behind the scenes" most of the time. Avoiding trouble.
5) I'm not sure of his exact assets. But I imagine, as a "boss" of a family for many years, that he too, was wealthy.
6) Born in 1912, he died of natural causes, during a heart operation in 1976. But he was only 64 years old.
Calogero (Carlos Marcello) Minacore:
1) Without a doubt, the most powerful and influential of the five men listed. He ran a small family, but controlled many hundreds of associates, politicians, city and public officials, and had national influence.He held ironclad control over New Orleans (a city off 377,000 residents).
2) He was wealthy beyond wealthy. He owned thousands of acres of land, numerous businesses, public companies, gambling casinos, controlled a good portion of Louisiana's judiciary, etc., etc.
3) But during his lifetime, he also had much trouble with the law. He had a lengthy arrest record, and both as a young man, and later, as an old man, served several significant prison terms.
4) Marcello was also hounded for many years by newsmen, Attorney General Robert Kennedy kidnapped and deported him, U.S. Senate Investigation Committees probing the assassinations of President Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, and later Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa. Marcello lived under constant stress and strain.
5) He served his last jail term as an old man, and suffered from dementia while behind bars. At the end of his life, he didn't even know who he was anymore.
6) He did live to 83 years old. But again, I wouldn't have wanted to live his stressful life.

So the bottom line? For my money?

I would pick either Lanza, La Rocca, of even Zammuto. I think those three lived the very best lives overall.

Last edited by NYMafia; 03/09/23 08:00 AM.