The hearing of the trial in progress before the Caltanissetta assize court of appeal is scheduled for tomorrow, in which Matteo Messina Denaro is accused of the massacres of Capaci and Via D'Amelio which cost the lives of judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino and escort agents.
Lorenza Guttadauro, niece of the mafia boss, whom he appointed trusted lawyer, will not defend the godfather in this proceeding.
You have in fact renounced your mandate because, according to what is learned, you would not have had the time to prepare the defense speech scheduled for tomorrow.
At the last hearing on January 18, scheduled two days after the arrest of the boss, the criminal lawyer asked the court for a term in defense precisely to study the proceedings of the trial followed up to then by the lawyers of office. But her commitments dictated by her visits to her uncle detained in L'Aquila and by participation in the interrogations to which he was subjected would not have allowed her to complete the investigation of a very complex process.
In the first instance, Messina Denaro was sentenced to life imprisonment. At the last hearing he chose not to participate via videoconference.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"