Of the five Mafia bosses listed below, who controlled Families in smaller cities throughout the United States, which one lived the very best life and had the best overall "career" in terms of the wealth he achieved, the underworld power he wielded, the little to no jail time he served, etc., etc.?

Which particular mafioso, in your opinion, had a good quality of life and was the most successful (overall) of the five?....When ALL factors are considered.

In other words, if you were a mafioso, which one of these five men would you want to be?

A) James Lanza (San Francisco, CA)
B) Joseph Zammuto (Rockford, IL)
C) Sebastian La Rocca (Pittsburgh, PA)
D) Carlos Marcello (New Orleans, LA)
E) John Scalish (Cleveland, OH)
Note: You can ONLY pick from these five names. We don't wanna hear about other bosses you may prefer. These are the five choices!

Last edited by NYMafia; 03/07/23 03:35 PM.