Big comparison but sorry I'll correct it so you can't nitpick it.

If we've learned anything from the Mafia the last 100 years it's they're not above informing to law enforcement. We're starting to see this more and more. Bill Bonanno informed, Scarpa informed,, now this guy Jimmy I lol

I use the laughing emojis so much because you guys have the funniest logic lol and my posts are dead serious but I have trouble picking up if you guys are serious or just saying stupid shit. Some of you have actually said he's not a informant because we didn't find out until now. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF BEING A CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT. No one is suppose to know you idiots. You guys sit here and confidently say without a doubt he wasn't a informant without a shred of evidence backing it up and a fbi file that says the contrary.

This isn't even the same as the Niel Dellacroce situation. From what I remember that came about from a New York Times article but had no files or statements from the FBi.

So I'll say it once again you guys are in denial that your gangster's gangster turned out to be the same type of guy you've been shitting on all these years so you're making excuses and conspiracies to explain it.