Originally Posted by DuesPaid
Originally Posted by majicrat
Ok, I’ll write it again for those of you who like to say “ I know for a fact” then go on a long vague rampage simply outlining types of crimes with no specific information is basically a waste of time argument. But okay, if you know for a fact I’m happy for you. Still not convinced of MAJOR activity on LI. Could just be our definitions differ. Minor activity? Yes, major no way not in my view. Not for the population and money available in the area over the decades talked about. But to each his own.

Would you rather i word it like this “ I know from personal experiences “.

I know, many posters on this site find it hard to believe that some that follow this site actually know people who are, where or close to Men involved in Organized Crime.

I guess since you do find a lot of bullshitters everywhere, it easy to be skeptical.

I completely agree with you DuesPaid, on all the valid points you made.