She is also the mother of his lawyer Lorenza Guttadauro. According to the police, the woman was becoming the new "strategic force" behind Cosa Nostra.
The detectives found that the note in the chair leg referred to a hospital patient. The detective had previously determined that Matteo Messina Denaro had Crohn's disease, a chronic inflammation of the intestines. This had been discussed in tapped telephone conversations. The information on the note provided clues that were decisive in the search for Matteo Messina's whereabouts. The police photographed it and put it back. Rosalia Messina was not allowed to know that the police had found the note.
There were also striking technical terms in the notes, apparently code language. The police believe that this indicated corrupt contacts in the government apparatus. And one “Parmigiano” would be a corrupt very big businessman.

A handwritten letter resembling a political manifesto, apparently written by Matteo Messina, was also found and was addressed to his sister. In it he sketches the Cosa Nostra as a kind of resistance organization against the background of Italian history. According to him, it is "an honor" to be prosecuted for mafia membership. Messina Denaro writes, among other things:

We've been persecuted like we were villains. Treated like we were not of the human race. We have become an ethnic group to be wiped out. And yet we, children of this land of Sicily, are tired of being overwhelmed by first a Piedmontese and then a Roman state that we do not recognize. We are Sicilians and we wanted to stay that way. They have made up a big lie for the people. We the bad, they the good.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"