Originally Posted by Augustus
It's fascinating that the very actions of lying
Betrayal greed are the steps on a stairwell if
You want to ascend in a LCN structured traditional family.
Fan boys of this life applaud and support their favorite
Button guy. "This guy Johnny Ravoli , he whacked
Chef Boy R Dee cause he wouldn't come to
A sit down concerning Chef Boy R Dee making
Too much dough and not kicking up!!!"

But once a made guy BETRAYS his LCN family
Omg he can go to hell...he is trash...put him
In a meat processing plant....

I hope you fans of LCN members realize
Words like honor and family are simply
Hollow concerning LCN. There is no honor
Among thieves and killers.

Big deal if James Inendino was a informant.
Chicago has had ranking members higher
Than him that were giving info to the Feds.

LCN is myth if you believe honor and loyalty
Are pillars on which it's built on.

Please stuff it. Disputing an obviously fake leak is not admiring anyone. Plus what is it with the "Fanboy" foolishness. Disagree with a person who love the FBI to death and believes anything they say (Till they say it about Trump or Clinton, depending on their political affiliation) and you're "A FANBOY!!!!!"