The truth about Inendino's full cooperation will eventually come out in the wash. Through FOIA documents released to the public, etc.

But if its shown that Inendino cooperated with law enforcement, for even 1 single day, then he's a stone rat. And there's NO fuckin "debating" it! Just like you can't be a "little" bit pregnant. You're either pregnant, or you're not. It's the same exact thing with being an informant. Neither can you be a "little bit" of an informant. Inendino either spilled beans on people, or he didn't.

If he did, for even a short period of time, let alone over a span of years as has been reported, for two lengthy time periods, at different intervals in his life no less, then how the hell could any sensible person still debate the issue here? WTF is wrong with some people?

And if "certain" posters feel so strongly about this, one way or the other, then why don't they put their money where their mouths are, and access his FBI file through the FOIA, instead of just talking cheap shit?

Open up your wallets and let the moths out fellas...Cough up a few dollars of that communion money to find out what the truth is. Instead of just spouting mindless bullshit in a pissing contest like a bunch of adolescents?

He's been branded a fuckin rat! LOL

And until someone can prove otherwise, thats Jimmy Inendino's new "category."