Originally Posted by MafiaStudent
Originally Posted by Mafia101
Originally Posted by MafiaStudent
You talk "once per week" but, yet, between January and now, you never brought these Chicago stories up until just last week? And why if you had "friends in the know" would you post up articles that weren't verified? Wouldn't you have wanted to make sure things were "accurate" before you started posting them? Doesn't make sense to me...but what do I know.

It doesn't really matter if Rush's friend even exists or if he does what he tells him. We're suppose to believe everything Scott Burnstein rights is bullshit or this FBI memo is bullshit just because this friend supposedly said so? We're suppose to believe he's giving Rush the inside scoop on everything?

CI stands for Confidential informant. Keyword Confidential. Meaning no one knows. If Rush's friend is saying it's bullshit because he didn't know maybe the more likely scenario is he didn't know because he's not suppose. That's the whole point of it.

All of this is just these mob wannabes rationalizing and trying to convince themselves it's not true. They're in meltdown mode right now so let's lay off and give them some time to process the guys they idolize are the same guys they look down on.

What I posted has nothing to do with tJimmy I being an informant or not. It has to do with the poster saying stuff is "bullshit" and that he talks to someone "once a week," but yet was sharing articles back in January about other Chicago-related "news" without checking with his "source" before posting those articles. That's what I was questioning - this poster in particular backtracking on basically everything he's posted since he started posting articles.

LMAO don't make it sound like this is another Burnstein article that includes me lol. Too funny.

Anyway what my friend was simply saying was that Chuck Goudie likes to stir up controversy by exaggerating stories.

This happened so long ago that in my opinion, who the fuck really knows who he informed on or how much info he gave. Could have been someone who simply deserved it and by doing it did not threaten to destroy the leadership structure of the Outift itself in anyway shape or form. But instead actually contributed to saving people involved who they really needed to become more powerful at the time and for the future. There were no details shared of what was said between Jimmy and the Chicago police. For all we know he could have been just playing them to benefit the Cicero Crew itself.

You can make your own opinions on the matter and I'm not gonna hold that against you. Everyone has a right to form their own judgement of the guy to be quite honest.

Hope you all have a wonderful day and thank you for providing an outlet where we can discuss this kind of stuff. Its nice to have and you are all nice to debate with!

Last edited by RushStreet; 02/28/23 03:19 PM.