Originally Posted by Capri
Originally Posted by Turnbull

Then he bullshits Roth by callng him "Mister Roth," then telling him he's a "great man," then asking his permission to whack Pentangeli. Great stuff, Mike! You'd have made a good Presidential candidate. rolleyes

why he asking his permission to whack Pentangeli. Michael's man confusedgree

This is a perfect example of how greed makes otherwise smart men stupid:

Of course Roth should have wondered why the mighty Michael Corleone would ask his permission to whack one of his ow subordinates. But Roth was too greedy for the $2million to see the trap Michael was setting for him. For his part, Michael should have been asking himself why Roth--who lived in Miami and had business interests in Nevada and Cuba--would interest himself in a two-bit dispute between Pentangeli and the Rosato brothers over three territories in the Bronx. But he was too greedy for Roth's Havana casinos to see the trap Roth was laying for him.

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.