Matteo Messina Denaro's audios tell the story of the boss's illness:

"My body has betrayed me"

There has been a lot of talk about the messages in which Diabolik attacks Zelensky and sides with Putin.

The more intimate ones, on the other hand, talk about something completely different. And in particular of the disease condition for colorectal cancer that hit the Boss. Who is now in the condition in which many sick people find themselves: "My body has betrayed me"; «let us take care of ourselves and see where we arrive»; “I know what you're going through,” she tells her friend. To which she finally dedicates Gnarls Barkley's Crazy .

“Let's take care of ourselves and see where we get. After all, we don't know anything about the future» is the first message from the boss. Which in the subsequent exchange of messages he says «My body has betrayed me. I still can't get over it. I can't stand this body anymore.' Then he adds something significant: «I had a beautiful life. I didn't foresee what is happening and I can't accept it."

The other audio instead show the Boss talking about himself. «I generally avoid making myself known. Even from my mom. I am like that. I'm like a cat. With myself, mostly. When people study me and guess, shit, I get annoyed like a beast ».

Finally, the last message to fellow chemotherapy ladies. This time he plays the song "Crazy". « My heroes had the heart / To lose their lives out on a limb / And all I remember / Is thinking, I want to be like them », say the words.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"