Messina Denaro's self-esteem, here is the phrase on his key ring: "You are the legend"
by Laura Spano
February 13, 2023
mafia, Matteo Messina Denaro, Trapani, Chronicle

Matteo Messina Denaro had such self-esteem that he almost believed himself a god. He knew he was adored by those closest to him and what betrays his personality and his boundless ego is the key ring he kept in his pocket at the time of his arrest, a leather string with this phrase printed on it: «The man, the myth, you are the legend." The wiretaps collected by investigators over the years demonstrate, moreover, how much for his accomplices "u Sicco" was a man to adore.

"We must adore him - his most faithful accomplices said intercepted - because it is from him that good comes". And in this regard the former head of the Trapani mobile squad Giuseppe Linares said of him in 2009 at the end of one of the many operations to make scorched earth on the scarlet primrose: «Messina Denaro represents the synthesis link of an ancient way of being mobster. But he is recognized as the new man, almost like a deity. In the wiretaps we have heard: "We must adore u siccu. Not only because he is a hierarchical superior, but because he represents something more" ». And in recent years there have been many writings praising the mafia boss.

Matteo Messina Denaro has always considered himself a superior being and he was probably considered as such, as demonstrated by that sentence on the leather string, printed by himself or donated by one of his accomplices. And the disease hadn't affected his sense of omnipotence.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"