My take, for what it is worth!

  • Drapes
Originally Posted by The Last Woltz
Pete has a very lucid post about an alternative theory (which I happen to agree with). He's been dismissed and shouted down.

I support the argument that it was likely one of the extra security men that was brought in to the party. It's certainly reasonable to think that security would have access to the bedrooms. Seems silly that they would be forbidden from inspecting the house prior to Michael's return

If you are referring to my below post?
I would like to read a statement before this Board and put it in the record! That's a complete falsehood!!
Originally Posted by Lana
Sure thing “I too can't see anyone else allowed into their home let alone” -- their bedroom and “anyone involved in Corleone security” would really have no business? being inside their Boss' bedroom So my take too, that leaves only Fredo
In fact, my counter point was posted with a question mark and was referencing Turnbull's post (which I happen to agree with)

My take, I still can't see Rocco's crew or especially the extra security men [outsiders] if any brought in to the party, allowed into -
In my home! In my bedroom, where my wife sleeps! Where my children come and play with their toys In my home!

Besides, in my view -
  • Rocco would have secured the house well before the party started
  • only authorised people eg: family would have been allowed in
  • I doubt non-family would have been left wondering about especially in the Boss' bedroom, unescorted
  • even got Pentangeli waiting in the lobby
  • Rocco was escorting Ola's men when taking care of their hunger!

and the timing....
Originally Posted by lucab19
Extract: Let's not forget that Kay was in the bed when the drapes were opened. We know this from her genuinely surprised "Michael, why are the drapes open?"

Which means they must have been closed when she retired for the night.