Originally Posted by BensonHURST
I don’t know that anyone is in denial It seems they more so are having a problem with Burnstein, I think in one of the headlines he is saying this is a Mob War, that seems like a bit of a stretch.

So if the source he has is putting sprinkles on the story possibly and Burnstein, is adding the “STRAWBERRY” for shock value, very easily the story could be blown out of proportion.

That is my take on it.

I have never personally read a time when Burnstein has got caught lying…
Some on here are acting as if.

At times this crowd can be a very tuff crowd.

They rip Capeci apart, that guy has been doing his thing for over 50 years, everyone everywhere gives him the respect of being “BONA-FIDE” he is a real O.G. yet there are posters on here that Rip him, about his sources, his stories, say he makes shit up, it’s CRAZY….. He has been reporting longer than probably half of the posters in here have been on this earth.

I really enjoy Burnsteins articles if anyone on here can point me to where he has been caught lying or something along those lines that is actual I would appreciate it, so I can make a decision myself on whether or not he and/or his blog/stories are legit.

Until that day comes in my eyes he is 100.

BH, To put things in the "proper" perspective, let me state this, ok pal.

Michael Mancuso has a very well documented history of being a bit unhinged at times. He is certainly not the most level-headed thinker, that's for sure! And there are many examples of that, ie; shooting his wife, sending men into another crews Bronx social club, meting out several very public beatdowns, issuing a ridiculous directive for a guy not to show up at his own father-in-law's wake, starting a fight inside that wake when the guy did show up, etc.

But to "start an all-out gangland war?" In the year 2023? Wild shootings on the streets of Long Island - a largely "upscale" bedroom community? Drive-by shootings, peppering a man's home with his wife and kids there? Wantonly "firebombing" storefronts and businesses on Long Island?

IMO, No way! No how! Never gonna happen! (not in this lifetime anyway).

The other four New York City crews would never stand for such things. For the simple reason, that such outlandish, crazy behavior, would endanger them all! Everyone in NYC! The bosses would not tolerate it...and both local and Federal law enforcement would not tolerate it.
So as I stated in an earlier post. Do I think there is tension, disharmony, and certain people greatly dislike one another (to put it mildly)? ...Absolutely. But do I believe (even for one second) any of this bluster and bravado is actually taking place at this time? I do not.

Last edited by NYMafia; 02/06/23 04:28 PM.