Originally Posted by BensonHURST
It’s really the older generations fault for putting up with it and not grooming the newer generation properly.
It was up to them to tell the associates that came around if you want to come around here you cannot dress like that.

We are not GANGBANGERS that are wearing saggy pants and dread locks in our hair, if that’s what you want to hang out in the projects or wherever the f—K..

There USED TO BE A STRICT DRESS CODE, I do NOT believe that exists any more.

Exactly. I don't know what the fuck it is. What is so hard about laying down a dress code that requires you to dress with style and class?

It blows my mind to be honest with you.

What also blows my mind are companies that allow their workers that work in the office to show up looking like they just woke up out of bed.

I feel like I'm the only one left anymore that actually wears dress shoes and slacks with a nice shirt or sweater to work anymore.

American culture frustrates the fuck out of me, its fucking depressing and pathetic! Show some fuckin respect for yourself! Stop showing up to work the next day wearing old wrinkled clothes with stains on them from your drunken bender you went on the night before smelling like shit!

Last edited by RushStreet; 02/06/23 04:27 PM.