Originally Posted by Hollander

Do you know more about their involvement in drug trafficking?

In May 1959, Harry J. Anslinger, then Commissioner of the U.S. Treasury Department's Federal Bureau of Narcotics, praised the attitude with which the revolutionary government had started the fight against drug trafficking. Anslinger had once said that Cuba had become the world center of drug trafficking and that cocaine trafficking in Havana, for example, was then higher than that recorded anywhere else in the world. According to the U.S. official, Anslinger had sent a list to Batista's secret police department with the names of several drug traffickers, including Jack Lansky and Dino Cellini.

During the 1950s, with the explosion of Cuban gambling casinos and the mob's major investments in same, wiseguys and their "associates" of every size, shape, and color were flocking back and forth to Cuba regularly. That little "fact," and the constant interactions of the American hoodlums and Cuban nationals, paved the way for increased drug trafficking between Havana and the U.S.A., (namely South Florida) and Louisiana as landing pointings.

There were literally hundreds upon hundreds of "mules" that could be, and were, used to secret narcotics back into the states.The FBN compiled a laundry list of major traffickers, with (many of the better known ones) placed in their FNB book.

Remember too, those were the days that Charlie Lucky would regularly visit Cuba because he wasn't allowed into the USA. Cuba was the next closest point of call. And considering the mob had "carte blanche" there, it was the perfect place and springboard by which to coordinate drug routes. Thats why eventually the FBN used their power to have Cuba ban Luciano from the island nation.

I could provide a long list of mob names who visited Cuba, some of them used as possible couriers. But unless they were caught redhanded, there is no hard proof that any of them were, in fact, "couriers" per se. A lot of this was conjecture, speculation and educated guesses on the part of the drug agents.

I'm in the middle of several major ButtonGuys projects right now. But when I get a hot minute, I will definitely check for some names.

Last edited by NYMafia; 02/04/23 07:29 AM.